Freitag, 25. September 2009

Speaking in tongues # 2

Einer der Studenten, ein Amerikaner, mit dem ich letztes Jahr Outreach gemacht habe, war gerade auf einem Missionstrip in Israel. Und einmal in einem Gottesdienstbetete er dort in Sprachen und eine Frau fragte ihn, woher er so gut Hebräisch könne. Er konnte willentlich einfach Hebräisch reden, aber er selber verstand es nicht. Sie haben Teile davon ins Englische übersetzen können. Einfach so cool was sie Übersetzung ist:

God I long for you. You abide. He will judge and give us prophecies. He will judge and say you are the sky with the angels of fire. You are our God, for the weak. Hear me God I am in peace. God. King. You are in my tongue. You wrote everything. You are life. The king will rise up, the fire will rise up, the fire will come.
we hope you will sit with us, you will judge, you will show us the hidden. We will be together in life. Lots and lots and lots of glory of God, God will give, you are with your angels. Give us fire on the poor. God your angels were here, your angels will sit with you, you will listen to them. Comfort the poeple. You will blow on us. You will comfort the rabbies, give them wisdom.
You will return, stick to you, judge all life, bring fire. You will bring rest and destroy all sicknesses. You are one, there will be no sicknesses. Bring them life as you will come. He is the God of the living, for the living there will be no sicknesses. Captives God will advise. Kiss us. King of the living, you are above all sicknesses, an for animals too.
Father you are life, in the name of the living be with me, its not above God but on the people. King of the living, you are life, no sicknesses, give us more fruitfulness, give us wisdom. King of the living, no sicknesses, he will bring us the true nature.
What you wrote in stone you wrote in our hearts.

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

Darf es noch ein bisschen mehr sein?

Mit vier Freundinnen beim Abendessen. Wir kennen uns von früher, von der Schule, und reden jetzt über Ex-Lehrer, diverse Beziehungen und - Fussball. Sie habe eben ein Bein kürzer und deswegen eigentlich ein gesundheitliches Hindernis beim Fussballspielen, erzählt eine der Frauen am Tisch. Ich horche auf... Ein verkürztes Bein? Hmm... Wir reden weiter, trinken Wein und essen viel. Irgendwann kommt die Zeit des Aufbruchs.. alle müssen zum Bahnhof und sind sich am verabschieden. Ich kann ja nicht miterlebt haben, wie viele viele Beine nachgewachsen sind, und jetzt nichts sagen. Also biete ich an, für das Bein zu beten, und erzähle von den vielen nachgewachsenen Beinen. Die Kollegin setzt sich auf einen Stuhl, alle stehen darum herum. Alle schauen den Unterschied - etwa 5-8mm - zwischen den Füssen. Ich bete, bzw. befehle dem Bein zu wachsen, und spüre sofort ein starkes Kribbeln bei meinen Händen. Der Unterschied scheint noch dazusein - aber weniger?! ich schaue fragend zu den anderen, die immer noch die Füsse anschauen, und schaue dann wieder hin - da ist kein Unterschied mehr. Nun gut, sagt sofort eine, vielleicht halte ich jetzt die Schuhe anders in meinen Händen. Kann sein. Kann aber auch anders sein. Da war gerade noch ein Unterschied, und ist jetzt nicht mehr. Ich halte die Schuhe seit einer Minute in den Händen und der Unterschied ist erst jetzt weg. Aber es geht ja nicht darum, ob ich jetzt irgendetwas beweisen kann, sondern um Gottes Realität die hereinbricht. Yes Lord!
Dann setzt sich eine hin, die vermutlich einen Zeh gebrochen hat vor zwei Tagen. Auch hier spüre ich wieder ein starkes Kribbeln beim beten - sie allerdings immer noch den Schmerz nach dem Gebet. Dann müssen alle zum Bahnhof. Mal sehen ob sie später schmerzfrei wird.
Die Hauptsache ist: Gott ist der Heiler. Gott lebt in mir. Es ist keine grosse Sache, einen Schmerz wegzuschicken oder einem Bein zu befehlen, nachzuwachsen, weil es ja nicht in meinem Namen ist sondern im Namen von Jesus. Wuow!!! Schabba. So will ich leben, natürlich übernatürlich sozusagen.

Sonntag, 20. September 2009

Taking notes - Bill Johnson about Mammon

Lukas 16
You can not serve God and the mammon. Mammon is not the money, but a demonic principality. A demonic power is working to abuse the money. It is the spirit of mammon. The Bible does not say you can’t have money. It says don't serve that principality.
But a love for God is often times measured by what we hate. You love one and you hate the other. Or you will be loyal to one and despise the other. Loyal to mammon. And you will despise every time when ever that subject is brought up in church. The resources of the world are here for kingdom purposes. Bills dream. That poverty will be removed from this city. Not through handing out money. Because poverty is on the inside. To love what you are doing and to do it with excel will attract money!!!
Loyal to mammon: Despise every opportunity to bring God into the economy.
True riches is not to have more money. It has nothing to do with money. True riches are sense of movement, sense of destiny. When cancer leaves the body. When you see the secrets of a heart. Prophecy. When a family is released from depts. You can not BUY anointing from God.
The way you handle what God gave to you, will determine how much you get from the true riches!!!
With earthly riches I can buy you all a meal. With true riches I can buy one meal and multiply it!!!
Instead of cutting down the tie, Bill cut down in the household. The goal is not how much I have, but HOW MUCH I CAN GIVE.
The Lord wants to prosper you more than you can think. But he does not want to destroy you! How much can you handle? Give back what you give to mammon. What an impact would that have on the worlds mission.
You will only have influence in business, when you are successful. The wealthy don’t work harder, they just know how to make their money work for them. Success: You need people that love to work for you. A kingdom model of empowering people. You are successful because people around you succeed, they come in to their destiny. You have a product where you contribute to society.
Money is being released to us in a greater measure. Bill feels breakthrough being released this fall. It is a jubilee season. We have to position our self for the breakthrough with the right value here.
It is fine to feed the poor. But we have to teach them how to be productive in their own environment. Teach them, give them a project. Everybody wants to have their own way.
It is easier to pray for your own needs than for the missionaries, so I give for the missionaries first!
Figure out what your priorities are. Generosity must be your priority. Bill was able to give in a year more than he earned in the entire year before. And that happened 3 or 4 years in a row! We have to learn to hear the voice of the Lord in how much we have to give. Teach me how to do it right, because I want to be generous. Bills goal is to give more back to the church and in missions that he has ever received in salaries from them. Blessed through stewardship, to do it right.
Rick Warren, writer of Purpose driven life, give 90% of his income away. You can’t start there, but you can say: God, stretch me. Bless the one who is already blessed.

Not all of you are set up naturally to get an inheritance. But I got a word. “Estates and Inheritances”. Promise to kids: You will never have the financial pressure we grew up in, because we were generous!!! Increase what you got for free! But maybe you don’t have motivation to work hard, because you always appear better than anybody else without trying. That’s a curse. You have to develop a momentum and give the grace and favour into the next generation. Use the favour you have to seek his face, to cause others to excel, to bring others closer to the lord etc. If you don’t do that you wont be able to impart it to the next generation, because you wont have the knowledge to do it. The Lord wants to do sth to me, to pass it on to my kids! Every Christian is supposed to get an inheritance.
Story of guy, his dad died, but years later he got a letter from gas company, they found natural oil on a 48 acres property, that was once owned by his parents, and they still have the mineral rights.