Calling the generations conference in Texas. Organisiert von Jeff Collins, der Evangelist mit den unglaublichsten Geschichten. Die Konferenz wurde wirklich vom Heiligen Geist geleitet. Es gab keinen Zeitplan oder so.
My favorite things from this trip:
- Getting people out of wheelchairs because of hurting foot: From depression to radiation
- The french prophet Pierre Daniel during worship jumping in front of people and saying: Drink the heavenly bordeaux, and the moment he touches them they start shacking and falling to the floor
- Hanging out with Joaquin E. and asking him 1000 questions about how to run healingmeetings
- Releasing tickle angels on depressed Exmissionaries, getting them healed from Artritis. How ever you spell that. Who cares. By the way: In these 2 years in America and being a prayerservant I got a rich vocabulary in 2 specific areas: Chrisianese and the names of bodyparts and sicknesses
- Getting to know the sweet team of students from Mongolia, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Indiana and Japan
- Plumjuice Party and cracking nuts with Lida from Mongolia and talking about her country.
- Ministering with Joaquin
- Never think you have it all together, because then nothing works (I experienced that!)
Wow! MORE!!! I love it!!!
AntwortenLöschen(and I am so jealous *LOL*)
Shingderingderingdingding, hehehe...